VisaScreen® fees
List of services
2009 fees
2010 fees
VisaScreen® application
A successfully completed application includes the International Commission on Healthcare Professions VisaScreen® certificate that is valid for five years.
Reprocess an expired application
A reprocess is for those who want to continue, for another 12 months, an application that was paid in full, but the requirements of that application were not met within the first 12 months.
VisaScreen®: Expedited Review Service
This fee is for those who have a Request for Evidence, deportation deadline or offer of employment. See our news article for further information and contact details regarding this service.
Application for renewal certificate
This application is for those whose VisaScreen® certificate has expired. It is valid for another five years.
Verification of certificate letter
This letter verifies that a VisaScreen® certificate was issued.
Replacement certificate (limit 1)
This replaces an original VisaScreen® certificate
   Certification Program fees
List of services
2009 fees
2010 fees
Certification Program application
Initial application includes the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, the Official Study Guide for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, a credentials review, and an English language proficiency verification.
Reprocess an expired application
A reprocess is for applicants who paid in full, but were never rostered for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, because the requirements of the application were not met within the first 12 months. It adds another 12 months.
CGFNS Qualifying Exam® re-examination application
A re-examination schedules a new exam for those who did not pass or did not arrive for the rostered exam.
Change exam date
This fee is for those who want to change their exam date or location after the deadline.
Reprocess an expired application for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam® re-examination
A reprocess re-examination is for applicants who paid in full but were not rostered for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam® because the requirements of the application were not met within the first 12 months. It adds another 12 months to the application order.
Exam rescoring service
The CGFNS Qualifying Exam® is scored by computer for reliability. If you have failed the exam and feel that a hand-scoring of your answer sheet would help, you may request this service up to two years after the exam.
Verification of certificate letter
Verifies that a CGFNS certificate was issued
Replacement certificate
Replaces a missing original CGFNS certificate
   Credentials Evaluation Service fees
List of services
2009 fees
2010 fees
Full Education Course-By-Course Report application
Healthcare Profession & Science Report application
Reprocess a Full Education Course-By-Course Report application
A reprocess is for those who want to continue for another 12 months an application that was paid in full, but the requirements of the application were not met within the first 12 months.
Reprocess a Healthcare Profession & Science Report application
A reprocess is for those who want to continue for another 12 months an application that was paid in full, but the requirements of the application were not met within the first 12 months.
English language proficiency report (each)
This is for state boards of nursing that require an English proficiency report included with Credentials Evaluation Service report.
Additional CES report recipients (each)
This is for those who want to send the Credentials Evaluation Service report to more recipients than the two included in the application (such as other state boards of nursing or schools)
Evaluation of additional academic credential (each)
Evaluation of additional registration/license (each)
Duplicate Credentials Evaluation Service report for applicant (each)
This is for applicants who want an unofficial copy of a report mailed to them.
Re-evaluation of a Full Education Course-by-Course Report
Re-evaluation of a Healthcare Profession & Science Report
   CVS fees
List of services
2009 fees
2010 fees
Credential Verification Service of New York State application
Re-issue report (each)
An official copy of previously issued CVS report sent to New York State Education Department
Other services and fees
2009 fees
2010 fees
Forwarding academic records/transcripts
This is a fee to request CGFNS send copies of your official academic records/transcripts to a licensing board or educational institution
Forwarding academic records/transcripts and registration/licenses/certification
This is the fee to request CGFNS send copies of both your official academic records/transcripts and your official professional registration/license/certification validations to a licensing board or educational institution
Translations of documents, per page
This is the fee to request that CGFNS have your required documents translated into English.
Return check fee
This is the fee that is charged when your check is returned because of insufficient funds in your account.
Resend certificate
This is the fee that is charged when we have to resend your certificate after UPS returns it to us because of an address error or there is no one available to sign for the package.
Credit card denial fee
This is the fee that is charged when your credit card denies payment.
Bulk applicant handbooks to USA, Canada or Mexico addresses, each
Bulk applicant handbooks to all other addresses, each

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